Saturday 7 August 2010

Script edit

Panel: Silence

Description: Camera faces digital alarm clock in under lit room
Panel: Alarm goes off

Description: Camera faces digital alarm clock in under lit bedroom
Panel: Hand appears to turn off alarm

Description: Hand shown to the wrist scrabbles for ‘OFF’ switch
Panel: A lazy character appears. “ I’m up, I’m up“…

Description: Camera faces dismantled character. (Show rough night sleep)
Panel: Sits up in bed

Description: Camera pauses
Panel: Bedroom in a mess

Description: Camera view on character’s shoulder. Photography of the destruction around bedroom i.e. Food/plates in room, clothes thrown around room

Panel: A post it note appears on characters ‘morning face’.
Description: camera focuses on note (Clear handwriting)
Panel: Post it note reads: Job Interview 10am
Description: Bright green post it note

Panel: Character looks at clock to confirm time
Description: clock reads 9:05 am
Panel: There’s a Panic
Description: Character jumps out of bed into action. Camera focuses on one point.

Panel: Grabs and ’downs ‘Ultimate Kick’ energy drink
Description: Strong grasp of bottle

Panel: Grabs shower gel, towel
Description: Leaves bedroom comes back in room dressed holding messenger bag.

Panel: Looks at time (9:15 am)
Description: Puts bottle in messenger bag. Character exits

* Panel taken out (wasn't relevent)

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Advertisement Script

Panel: Silence
Description: Camera faces digital alarm clock in under lit room

Panel: Alarm goes off
Description: Camera faces digital alarm clock in under lit bedroom

Panel: Hand appears to turn off alarm
Description: Hand shown to the wrist scrabbles for ‘OFF’ switch

Panel: A lazy character appears. “ I’m up, I’m up“…
Description: Camera faces dismantled character. (Show rough night sleep)

Panel: Sits up in bed
Description: Camera pauses

Panel: Bedroom in a mess
Description: Camera view on character’s shoulder. Photography of the destruction around bedroom i.e. Food/plates in room, clothes thrown around room

Panel: A post it note appears on characters ‘morning face’.
Description: camera focuses on note (Clear handwriting)

Panel: Post it note reads: Job Interview 10am
Description: Bright green post it note

Panel: Character looks at clock to confirm time
Description: clock reads 9:05 am

Panel: There’s a Panic
Description: Character jumps out of bed into action. Camera focuses on one point.

Panel: Grabs and ’downs ‘Ultimate Kick’ energy drink
Description: Strong grasp of bottle

Panel: Grabs shower gel, towel.
Description: Leaves bedroom comes back in room dressed holding messenger bag.

Panel: Looks at time (9:15 am)
Description: Puts bottle in messenger bag. Character exits